Today see’s our teenage generation collect their exam results. As they ponder which A level courses to take, we consider how to achieve the best results when cleaning your building/facility.
1. Regular Cleaning
It may sound obvious, but you’d be surprised how many businesses we’ve encountered that schedule costly ‘deep cleans’ once every 6 months. If you clean every day, you are only cleaning yesterday’s dirt. Don’t let bacteria grow and your facility become grotty…it drives away custom!
2. Chop The Mop
It has been proven that mops are ineffective at picking up, but fantastic at spreading dirt. So why are you still using one at your facility?! A recent study found around 70% of UK businesses still use mops to ‘clean’ – which suggests there are A LOT of dirty floors out there! Join our Chop The Mop campaign and get a system that actually works.
3. Don’t Just Disinfect It, Remove It
It is a common misconception that if you use disinfectant, the job is done. However, if bacteria left to dry into the surface after ‘cleaning’, said surface is still a fertile breeding ground for new bacteria. If the bacteria is removed with a wet vacuum system, this problem is eliminated, ensuring a high quality, hygienic clean. We think the Kaivac and Ominflex systems do this best!
4. Saving Time Saves Money
OK, not directly a ‘best way to clean’ but this links in nicely with our first point about regular cleaning. The reason most company’s have a deep clean every 6 months is because it is generally very expensive for them to clean regularly…mainly because of using laborious methods that take an age to complete, and would probably still fail an ATP hygiene test! Making it easier for your workforce makes it easier on your budget. After all, time is money and if your workforce are spending more time than is necessary on a task with outdated equipment, your spending more money than is necessary.
5. Move With The Times
As technology advances rapidly, there are now more options that blow traditional methods out of the water. Innovation and moving with the times is key. It has been proven that a ‘wet-vac’ system such as Kaivac and Ominflex are able to remove 99% of contaminates, scientifically proven with ATP testing which is a performance 3-5 times better than traditional methods. What’s even better news is you no longer need to pay astronomical ‘Paul Pogba’ style fees to make your transfer to the ‘Champions League’ of cleaning standards. Take a look at some of the great options at hand to help with Return On Investment, and ultimately, a better clean!